Have you ever been so thirsty that you ache for water? And I am talking like squeeze a cactus thirsty. As I have gone through, kind of, complacent periods of my walk with God I found myself praying for a THIRST for Him. Oh man, does God answer this one. I am always so amazed at how each time I pray for guidance or an answer or anything from God... I doubt and question, and feel empty only to see Him answer my prayer in His time. In this case the Lord brought me to a dry place where I was spiritually coughing for His living water. Have you ever been in a place where you just try and read any devotional book, turn on KLOVE, turn on Third Day because you just NEED something? You are so anxiously looking for water, something to give you relief, something to refresh you from the dry, dirty,and frustrating day you are having. Today I pray that EVERYDAY I am spiritually thirsty, exhausted, and miserable until I ask God to give me His shower of blessings.
And just a little tid bit God has been showing me lately. I have been watching Joyce Meyer speak in the mornings before work and one bit of truth that keeps being said is that we should come BOLDLY to God bc guess what, if we BELIEVE He will supply our needs... HE WILL. And, I know for me, I ask, "where does that boldness come from?" I mean, HOW? me? bold? believe? faith? ummmm YEA! OH! yea we HAVE CHRIST IN US! Wow, to really grasp that concept and hold onto its truth is a Life Changer. I can come boldly because last time I checked the Holy Spirit was not one to question or hesitate. Today, I pray for a BOLD walk with Christ. WATER Bottle in hand :)
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